The GWCT recognises the importance of the implementation of targeted, legal and humane predation control programmes for the benefit of game and wildlife. It has never been more important that targeted predator control is discreet, trusted and fully defensible.
Our professional Advisors provide tailored advice to estates on best practice predator control. An outside, well-trained eye can make a world of difference on how far the best practice bar can be raised.
“Regular predator control inspections conducted by the GWCT has really raised the standard of trapping and snaring, not just on this estate, but across Scotland”
Headkeeper, Scottish Borders
During the spring and autumn, we undertake comprehensive reviews of spring trapping, snaring and corvid control techniques across Scotland to help identify any possible shortfalls in legal aspects as well as ensuring that trap operator actions are fully humane and conform to current animal welfare legislation. Adherence to recommendations, presented in inspection reports, help demonstrate that the farm or estate has undertaken all reasonable steps to ensure no wildlife crime is committed and can help provide a defence against any alleged illegal practice and a possible vicarious liability charge.